Strategic Priorities


To cultivate a diverse and talented workforce, strengthening Placer County’s prosperous and inclusive economy


Through strategic collaborations and innovative programs, create a robust workforce and thriving economic ecosystem where individuals have access to meaningful employment opportunities and employers have access to a diverse and skilled talent pipeline

Strategic Priorities

Priority 1:

Convene employer-led collaboratives to identify solutions that align between employers and talent providers using the Talent Pipeline Management initiative.

Priority 2:

Engage talent providers, such as higher ed, technical schools, other training programs, in the implementation of solutions that strengthen our talent pipeline.

Priority 3:

Partner with K-12 for career exploration opportunities, fostering a dynamic learning environment where students discover their passions, develop essential skills, and embark on successful pathways to future careers.

Priority 4:

Increase equitable workforce access to economic prosperity, with an emphasis on expanding opportunities to disproportionately impacted communities by partnering with various organizations such as Pride, Gathering Inn, and Freedom through Education.

Priority 5:

Convening stakeholders and engaging in conversations to address barriers to employment such as transportation and childcare.

Want To Get In Touch?

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to connect with us, please use the contact form below or send an email to Marlo Bourland, our Workforce Development Coordinator at [email protected].
