Placer Workforce Development Foundation

To cultivate a diverse and talented workforce, strengthening Placer County’s prosperous and inclusive economy

Year Established

Industry Collaboratives

Employer Partners

Critical Jobs

Talent Pipeline Management

Industry Collaborative Projects

The TPM model was launched in 2015 by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation. TPM offers consistent methods of bringing business, education, and workforce partners together to address and sustain high-quality workforce needs. The Placer Workforce Development Foundation is engaging employers and educators in actively building talent, improving the skills of incumbent employees, and utilizing TPM as a tool for economic growth through five industry specific collaboratives: Health Care, Hospitality, Construction & Utilities, Manufacturing, and IT.






What Is TPM – Talent Pipeline Management?

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation developed Talent Pipeline Management® (TPM) to advance authentic employer leadership in building high-performing talent pipelines. A demand-driven, employer-led approach to closing the skills gap. Utilizing supply chain management principles, employers play an expanded leadership role as “end-customers” of education and workforce partnerships. The framework is composed of six strategies that, when implemented in a particular sequence, make for a talent supply chain approach. Each strategy is designed to build off one another and support employers in developing a more data- and performance-driven approach to improving education and workforce partnerships.

Support Our Work

Support & Invest in Placer Workforce Development Foundation

While our region is well positioned for tremendous economic growth, future goals will be out of reach without qualified and skilled workers. Challenges to address include: rapid technology changes; dynamics of the global economy; demographic shifts; and looming gaps in middle-skill jobs across all industries. Your kind donation helps us continue our work!

Annual Workforce Development Summit

Learn About Talent Connect

Gain a deep understanding of the impact of the Talent Pipeline Management Initiative while engaging with education, businesses, and nonprofits serving disadvantaged communities all to build a better workforce for tomorrow. Learn more about our annual workforce development summit.

Placer Workforce Development Foundation

Meet The Team

A priority of the Placer Workforce Development Foundation is to strengthen our local economy through workforce development, business attraction, and retention strategies. While our region is well positioned for tremendous economic growth, future goals will be out of reach without qualified and skilled workers. Challenges to address include: rapid technology changes; dynamics of the global economy; demographic shifts; and looming gaps in middle-skill jobs across all industries. Learn more about our work, board members, and strategic priorities.

Placer Workforce Development Team

Strategic Priorities

Priority 1:

Convene employer-led collaboratives to identify solutions that align between employers and talent providers using the Talent Pipeline Management initiative.

Priority 2:

Engage talent providers, such as higher ed, technical schools, other training programs, in the implementation of solutions that strengthen our talent pipeline.

Priority 3:

Partner with K-12 for career exploration opportunities, fostering a dynamic learning environment where students discover their passions, develop essential skills, and embark on successful pathways to future careers.

Priority 4:

Increase equitable workforce access to economic prosperity, with an emphasis on expanding opportunities to disproportionately impacted communities by partnering with various organizations such as Pride, Gathering Inn, and Freedom Through Education.

Priority 5:

Convening stakeholders and engaging in conversations to address barriers to employment such as transportation and childcare.

Our Strategic Partners